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Questions & answers
Below is a list of the most common customer questions.
If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
When you send an emoji in a text message, does it actually send the image, or just some sort of identifier that is decoded on the other end?
It sends some sort of identifier that is decided on the other end. If you send the laughing emoji from an iPhone to an android user the face will look different on there end from yours as the emoji is decoded from Apple operating system then put together using android operating system to present the laughing emoji but in different shape. Otherwise if the phone is not programmed with an emoji it will present empty squares to the person without the advanced emojis.
What's the difference between a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and an Autoencoder?
A detailed description of autoencoders and Variational autoencoders is available in the blog Building Autoencoders in Keras s ( by italic Franue7ois Chollet italic s author of Keras) italic The key difference between and autoencoder and variational autoencoder is autoencoders learn apressed representation of input ( could be s whereas VAEs can. italic
Why has GANs had less success with text than with images and speech?
Optimization difficulty of backpropagating through discrete operations. In GANs the output of the generator are fed directly into the discriminator. The generator gradients are obtained by differentiating a divergence (Jensen-Shannon or L2 loss or Wasserstein distance or what-have-you)puted by the discriminator with respect to the parameters of the generator. Generally speaking this means that the sampling operation of the generator need to be a continuous function of some stochastic variable. However generative models for are usually discrete (i.e. there are exactly 26 characters in the English alphabet) which are not naturallypatible with differentiation. There are several ways to approximately backprop through discrete operations but all of thesepromise trainability of the generator which makes training GANs for discrete random variables () less stable than GANs for continuous random variables. I hypothesize that a separate problem is that the discriminator usually assumes a continuous domain which means that there are potential inputs to the discriminator for which the generative distribution (discrete) has no support. For example the output of the generator can only be a sequence of one-hot vectors but nothing prevents us from passing a sequence of two-hot vectors to the discriminator even though it a meaningless input. Because this is high-dimensional neural nets we are talking about these divergences for these invalid inputs can be arbitrary. There may exist a two-hot sequence that fools the discriminator but the generator could never produce this output. Therefore if one is using some sort of continuous relaxation of the discrete sampling to propagate gradients through to the generator (e.g. REINFORCE) the generator could learn about areas where the generative distribution could not possibly generate. Again this makes training stability difficult because the generator could be ged (by the discriminator) towards a generator it cannot actually express. One alternative approach is to learn GANs for a continuous word ding and use a separately trained decoder to emit discrete samples from said word dings. Note this answer is just a conjecture I am notpletely sure if this is correct.
What is the best way to know that I know something?
You want the best way ? Are you after reliable knowledge then ? The best way to secure your knowledge is by testing it. Remember the wisdom of Socrates. I know more because I know that I know not. By recognising your own fallibility you immediately acquire opportunities for checking your facts. Youre a lot smarter when you know you can be mistaken. If you do everything possible to make sure you are not fooling yourself you obtain more reliable knowledge. So don trust your intuition apply scientific controls like double blind testing whenever possible. As Karl Popper described if you put your knowledge where its vulnerabilities can be attacked whatever survives will tend to be more reliable knowledge. One of the best ways to acquire reliable knowledge is by reading authors that are self critical and recognise their own flaws. Good luck !
What are some good projects for fresher in Django Framework?
Here is the list of projects ideas you can build in Python and Django. 1. To Do list Appn2. Library Management System. Controlling LED with Raspberry Pin4. URL shortner servicen5. Chat servicen6. Speech to Text convertern7. Expense trackern8. Generating password and OTPn9. Email open rate tracking systemn1. Automating browser using seleniumn11. Scraping emails from websiten12. Scraping and analyzing tweetsn13. Downloading all Instagram images of a usern14. Currency convertorn15. Scraping news articlesn16. Automated Telegram channeln17. Vehicle number plate recognitionn18. Motion Detection system using Raspberry Pin19. Basic calculatorn2. Dice simulatorn21. game tic tac toen22. Text based adventure gamen23. Automating daily tasksn24. Character frequency generator in a book or paragraphn25. Secret message generator using encoding and decoding. Footnotes Python Django Projects for beginners s If you are new to Django checkout the answer to Get started with Django Vinay Somawat's answer to How do I get started with web development using Django? s
Is there an easy way to save images as text into the database?
Most databases support binary data so it not clear why you need to store s or any other binary data as you can use Base64 encoding which is a standard method for turning binary data into . In the other direction it would be called Base64 decoding to perform the reverse operation ( to binary). If you want to understand the encoding details you can read about it on wikipedia ( Base64 - Wikipedia s ) but since there are existing libraries in pretty much any language you might be using that implement the encoding logic you don really need to understand the lower level details if you just want to use it.
In variational autoencoder, why do we just sample latent variable from a standard Gaussian and apply the decoder to generate new data in testing?
A2A. It sounds like you're getting inference and generation mixed up. If we think about the VAE as probabilistic model we are actually trying to learn a directed generative model (think top-down the decoder is in some sense this model when we account for the latent variables). The encoder is really a tool to help us infer the latent variables when we have an observation (a data point). So with this in mind it is critical that we use the inference network (encoder) to figure out the latent variable quickly when we have data (i.e. my colleague Iulian and I focus on but images are equally applicable) otherwise we would have to sample the directed generative model a lot to find if it can generate the test sample. Again the inference network is a shortcut (though we might still draw several samples to get a Monte Carlo estimate) but it is principled shortcut since we are optimizing a variational lower bound on the log likelihood (the goal is to make this bound as tight as we can). However generation doesn't necessarily require the inference network. Thats why the VAE isn't really an autoencoder it's really two models (one bottom-up and one top-down) trained jointly. So with this in mind you can run the directed generative model you learned in free-running mode and since your prior is a fixed Gaussian it's pretty easy to do. (Note that work such as mine and Iulian shows that actually it's better to learn the prior too but again the VAE framework largely remains the same).